Potential Benefits

Token holders can enjoy the following benefits:

  1. Hedging Against Exchange Rate Fluctuations:

    • Our token will assist in preventing exchange rate fluctuations, making transactions faster and more efficient. It acts as a safeguard against currency value drops.

  2. Monthly Bonus Program:

    1. The investors can join the monthly bonus program on the Arthur Capital website and they will receive 5% to 8% based on the solar power plant profit. Check The Bonus.

  3. Discount on the Electricity Bill (Roadmap)

    • For investors located on the available regions who benefit from the services of Arthur Capital's Solar Plants, they will have a discount on their electricity bill.

  4. Carbon Credit (Roadmap)

    • Investors will receive a balance of carbon credits that will be generated every month and can be sold on carbon credit exchanges.

  5. Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) (Roadmap)

    • A form of legal structure that has no central governing body and whose members share a common goal to act in the best interest of the entity.

These additional benefits enhance the utility of Arthur Capital's token, creating a comprehensive ecosystem that not only incentivizes hold the token but also provides token holders with exclusive privileges and advantages within the platform.

Last updated